runescape-store:Wildstar Gardening Guide - How to plant and grow crops
In this Wildstar video I show you how to start your gardening experience in WildStar. How to plant and grow crops in WildStar. plant and grow crops allows us to get a lot of items, wildstar platinum, Sell crops exchange wildstar paltinum and buy equipment, items, weapons, etc.
what's going on guys fuck see here and I want to go over gardening in wild start today
now this is a pretty simple feature final on people don't know really how to
access it or use their seeds that they've collected while leveling
so for siRNA wanna do is head over to your house in Ponte want you they're
going to want to build a garden now
you don't need a fat kid or anything fancy to do this the tier 1
all you'll need is some currency I believe it's just a few gold actually
it's what you wanna do is just plop down let it build him once it's up to see
some patches a fertile ground
missus we're gonna wanna put the CD collected so
all you have to do is click on the fertile ground open your bag right click
on your seed in OB planet
now when you look at the Siegel actually tell you how long it's gonna take now
that is in minutes
I thought I was seconds maybe myself in waiting it wasn't as a
our man to like 70 minutes L
yea at the wait some time one thing to mention is if you keep your plants
unique don't repay regarding in actually becomes broken
you won't lose your plants but they will become wilted and you won't feel to
gather anything from a min tilly repair your garden
after that I believe will be fine in you can harvest them
humor note on that is you can actually over grow your plants
now my quite sure on how long it'll even there over the time limit to make them overgrown
but from what I've researched people have said you'll get a lot more seeds or
at least and make sure seeds
and some material from now plan harvested one server grown
now this could be bad and good so maybe don't need it on a seeds
or maybe do want some seed cell my suggestion is to have
wanna sprout lean that you let overgrown and this is because
to continue harvesting a scene plants now this CD time from going around the
world collection amor even spend the money on the marketplace
that's pretty much Carney is actually quite simple disallowed people really
don't know how to break into later
where to do it at a rate that even exists but that is it
pretty cool stuff enjoy a garden play around with a member if you wanna break
up your garden to make it better
you do the fat kid so it'll be a garden fat kid Rafferty r1
to tear to you will need a fat kid not quite sure you get that either cuz
I've never got one I don't think but by some kinda random drop
or maybe even bought from the renowned vendor or things like that
but that wraps up the guide for the Guardian I hope you guys enjoy it if you
find any cool little secrets or
things that you want to share that I am I not have covered so the comments below
and I will make sure to give a thumbs up myself
in speaking thumbs make sure he hit that like button and subscribe for more wildstar
again I'm vaccine and I'll see you next video
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