The New Five Changes Of Madden NFL 18: New Engine And New Mode

igegolds Date: Nov/17/17 14:40:23 Views: 697

Like other football video games, when it comes to this year's Madden 18, this is present across the entire game and it does look greatly improved with the higher texture quality, this game also brought various other enhancements. It is no surprise that Madden 18 will come with a bunch of new changes. Today, let's know this game's 5 new changes. By visiting U4GM, it's the easiest ways to buy madden mobile coins



The Mobile App Directly Ties Into Madden 18

With this year's version we have a direct tie-in with the console version. If you download the Madden Mobile app you'll be treating with a prequel mode to the full-fledged Longshot story mode. While it isn't as robust as the console version you will still get a good taste of what to expect with the console mode.


Madden 18 Will Not Be Available On Last-Gen Consoles

The series has been available on Xbox 360 since Madden 06 while the PS3 has had every entry since Madden 07. The switch to the new engine could have impacted the decision to drop last-gen support as well. We hit the ceiling on the last-gen consoles and the Frostbite engine likely would not have performed well on the last-gen consoles.


Madden 18 Has A Brand New Engine

This year's Madden ditches the ignite engine that has been powering previous versions of the game in favor of the Frostbite engine. Frostbite is the engine EA has been using to power the Battlefield series and now it's coming to Madden. Hopefully by making the jump to the newer engine it will result in even more impressive visuals with the next installment. 


Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) Has Co-Op

For the first time ever MUT will give players the ability to play co-op with their friends. Three players will be able to serve as an Offense Captain, Defense Captain and Head Coach respectively and each play a different role. Many new feature on the recent official blog posted, click for source


Longshot Story Mode

Madden NFL 18 is different from its predecessors in that it includes a brand new storyline build from the ground up for this game. The mode is called Longshot and it will follow high scholar Devin Wade's journey as a football player all the way to the NFL. Whether you'll want to replay it remains to be seen but know that you could plow through the whole mode in a day or so.